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  • EinScan Discovery Pack 

Making representations of the world in 3D, more colorful and more accurate

The EinScan Discovery Pack is a high pixel professional texture camera featuring 24-bit true-color display and 12.0 megapixel color texture, which works with both EinScan desktop 3D scanners -- EinScan-SE and EinScan-SP. It adopts the color restoration technology of Ultra-FineTM Hardware ISP video processing engine, to capture a brilliant spectrum of colors and high-fidelity textures, allowing users to get high accuracy and high resolution 3D data, in vibrant color and rich details. It is ideal for Virtual Reality, Online Shopping (eCommerce) Virtual Displays, Online Museum, 3D exhibition and more.

Discovery Pack (Einscan SP & SE)

SKU: EinScan SE/SP- Discovery Pack
R35 249,00Price
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