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asyFil™ ABS is a high-end “easy to use” 3D printer filament. Our EasyFil™ ABS is not like regular ABS, because EasyFil™ ABS has a very high impact-resistance, is extra strong, and above all is “easy to print” because of its limited warping!

It is recommended to set your heated print bed ± 90-110˚C when printing with EasyFil™ ABS.

Next to its “easy to use” features, our Formfutura EasyFil™ filament range has an excellent roundness and very tight diameter and ovalidity tolerances, which makes this filament a perfect match with all common desktop 3D printers. Printing with EasyFil™ ABS 3D printer filament will go very smoothly with basically all FFF/FDM technology based desktop 3D printers, such as:

  • Ultimaker
  • RepRap (Mendel, Huxley, Prusa)
  • Solidoodle
  • MakerBot (Replicator, Replicator 2, Replicator 2X)
  • Leapfrog
  • UP! Plus, Up! Mini
  • AND MANY MORE....!

ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene in full), is a thermoplastic which, as its name implies, is produced by the polymerization of acrylonitrile, butadiene, and styrene. ABS is produced from fossil fuels, meaning that it is not biodegradable and has a greater environmental impact than PLA for instance. Because of its toughness and strength ABS is a very popular and common used thermoplastic  in industry.  

EasyFil™ ABS is an extra strong, light, durable, and impact-resistant filament resulting in a very stable 3D printing behaviour making it an ideal filament for 3D printing of solid printed products. 

Our EasyFil™ ABS does not contain any hazourdas, or chemical substances. In fact, all our EasyFil™ ABS filaments are RoHS certified and REACH compliant. 

Product details

Our 2.85mm EasyFil™ ABS 3D printer filament is wrapped on a plastic spool which contains approximately 0.75Kg of filament. Our spool-wrapped EasyFil™ ABS filaments are packed in a silica sealed bag and come in a full colour printed cardboard box, which in turn is also sealed in plastic. Please see below for more details with respect to the weight and packaging of our spool-wrapped EasyFil™ ABS 3D printer filaments: 

Filament Net Weight:± 0.75 Kg
Spool Size (D x h):200 mm x 55 mm
Spool Hub Diameter:52 mm
Carton Box Size (L x W x H):200 mm x 200 mm x 60 mm
Packaged weight1.25 Kg


For more technical specifications about our 2.85mm EasyFil™ ABS 3D printer filament, please have a look at the 'SPECIFICATIONS' tab.


General Tips & Tricks for printing with ABS filaments

The printing temperature guideline for printing with our EasyFil™ ABS filament is approximately 220-260˚C. As each desktop 3D printer has its own unique characteristics, you might need to tweak around with your temperature settings a bit to get the best results. To obtain optimal results for your prints you need to take into account variables like your 3D printer’s nozzle diameter, your printing speed settings, and layer height.

It is recommended to use a heated print bed when printing ABS. ABS has a tendency to warp, which makes it a difficult material to print without a heated print bed. Even though EasyFil™ ABS has a lesser tendency to wart than “normal” ABS it is till recommended to use a heated print bed. Ideally your print bed temperature should be set at approximately 90° to 110 ° C.


Please note that ABS will bend under too much heat, so after the first few layers, it’s best to turn down your print bed temperature a bit.


A good first layer adhesion is of the utmost importance in obtaining the best results for your prints.  Firstly make sure that you print bed is accurately levelled. Next, there are several tricks to get the first layer of your ABS print to stick better to the print bed of your 3D printer.

  • Use polyimide tape (Kapton tape or PET tape). ABS prints usually stick better to polyimide tape than to the print bed. When preparing the print bed it is better to have small gaps between your strokes of tape, rather than having overlaps. Overlaps of smaller pieces of tape may cause difficulties later on during the print process.
  • Coat your print bed with hairspray. ABS has a tendency to stick really well to extra strong hairsprays.
  • Coat your print bed with ABS juice. Dissolve a little piece of ABS in 50ml of Acetone. The acetone should get slightly cloudy. To make the surface of your print bed more sticky, you can lightly coat your print bed with this cloudy ABS/Acetone mixture. Please make sure not to use too much ABS in your juice as it will make your prints stick too well and be extremely difficult to remove.


PET tape and Kapton tape are unlikely to leave a residue on your print bed. Hairspray and ABS/Acetone juice coatings will leave a residue on your print bed.

1.75mm Easyfil ABS

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